Pediatric Dentist

Pediatric Dentist in Canarsie, Brooklyn

We offer pediatric dentistry for children from age 1 to 18.

Your pediatric questions answered:

1. What should I do if my child sucks his thumb?

The recommendation is for a child to stop a digit habit by the age of 3. By this age, the following are some recommendations to help your child stop this habit:

  • Wrapping the thumb with a mitten or tape can be helpful.
  • If the child is reward oriented, one can motivate a child to stop the habit by offering a reward at the end of a certain period of time without thumb sucking. It should be a minimum of three months after the habit has been broken.
  • If this does not work, there is a commercial product called a “thumb guard” that will act as a physical barrier.

When a child is older and the habit is still not broken, a dentist may need to intervene and place a fixed appliance in the child’s mouth to break this habit.

2. Are thumb sucking and pacifier habits harmful for a child’s teeth?

A number of adverse effects on the teeth and jaws can happen as a consequence of thumb sucking. Studies have shown that these effects can be seen as early as 18 months of age. Some of these include:

  • Posterior crossbite
  • Increase in the incline of the upper incisors
  • Open bite and tongue thrust

Due to the increase in incline of the upper incisors, there is a greater risk of trauma to these teeth during a fall or other injury.

3. How can a mom prevent decay caused by nursing?

Years ago, cavities in baby teeth were called “baby bottle tooth decay,” but now it’s known as “early childhood caries.” Here are steps to prevent cavities in baby teeth:

  • Make baby’s first visit to the Pediatric Dentist by age 1
  • Wipe teeth and gum tissue after feeding
  • Substitute water for milk if a child needs a bottle at bedtime
  • Limit juice consumption to no more than 4 oz per day
  • Limit exposure to sugary snacks to no more than twice a day
  • Use a smear of fluoride toothpaste and begin flossing

4. How often does a child need to see the pediatric dentist?

A child’s first visit to the pediatric dentist should be before age 1. Follow-up visits depend on the risk for cavities, ranging from every 3 months to every year.

5. What can parents do to protect their children’s teeth during sporting events?

Mouthguard use can reduce the severity of dental injuries during sports. While custom-made mouthguards from a dentist may be more comfortable, over-the-counter options are still effective.

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